Customer FAQ
Answers to frequently asked questions
I just signed up. What are the next steps?
Thank you for starting your free trial of our content service. We look forward to working with you to increase your traffic and sales!
One of our team members will contact you via email as soon as possible to coordinate the first free content piece.
You’ll receive the free content as soon as possible. There will be enough time to review the piece and decide if you’d like to continue with the service.
We’ll also share a spreadsheet with topic suggestions, based on keyword opportunities. After the free trial, we can work on these content pieces. Alternatively, you can request a content piece when you need it.
How is the content delivered?
You’ll receive the content in a ready-to-publish format in a Google document. Each content piece includes a meta title and a meta description that don’t count towards the word count. All you have to do is publish the content and enjoy the results it brings.
All completed content pieces will be shared with you via email. Additionally, all content will be published in a private Google Drive folder. In this Google Drive folder, we’ll store all content pieces that have been created for you.
Is the content delivered all at once or spread out?
Normally, we spread out the content over the full month, as this is preferred by most of our customers.
In case, you want us to prioritize any or all of your content requests, please let us know.
What is the turnaround time of content pieces?
After requesting a content piece, you’ll receive the ready-to-publish content in around 3 working days. Sometimes it can be longer or shorter, depending on the quantity and complexity of the content needed. Also, we always want to make sure to assign the best-suited writer from our team to your project.
How can I ask for revisions?
Our writers are happy to work on any revisions to make the content pieces exactly what you’re looking for.
If any revisions are needed, please let us know via email what you would like changed. Alternatively, you can add comments in the Google Drive document for the writer to work on.
We will always try to deliver revisions as soon as possible, however, sometimes it can take slightly longer depending on the schedule of the writer.
Can you suggest content pieces and topics?
Yes, that’s not a problem at all. You can let us know what content you need, however, our writers are also happy to suggest content pieces and come up with the right topics. We offer this at no additional cost.
Do unused words roll over to the next month?
Yes, as long as you are subscribed any unused words automatically roll over to the next month.
Can I ghost publish the content?
Yes, of course! In fact, most of our customers publish the content under their own names. If you’d like, it’s also completely fine to use the name of our writer who wrote the piece.
Who owns the content rights?
You own the full content rights. You are free to use the content however you want, for any and all purposes.
I have another question. How do I contact you?
We’re happy to answer any questions you may have. Please get in touch with us here.